A Mysterious Letter:
Dear Hero,
You’ve been accepted into our ranks because you’ve displayed the proper skills to utilize against the impure menace that is the forces of the undead. You are invited to join the “Society of True Life”. We have vowed to destroy anything undead, because of the inevitable. They will turn against the living, and have twisted wills. Friends, loved ones, and fellow soldiers risen as undead horrors are no longer the people you once knew. It is better to end their, and our, suffering. All members of the living are invited to join us.
We began in Northrend, when crusaders banded together to eradicate the unholy menace. However, their views were too narrow. The branch of noble warriors that left the Argent Crusade due to their previous group having too much mercy also had flaws. Their view was too narrow. We do not only accept light magics, nor do we only except certain races. Every living being that seeks to stand for life itself is welcome. We will eradicate the undead by any means necessary. So say I, the Captain.
Be vigilant, friends. We are from many walks of the world, and it appears that the Northrend threat is not as unorganized as we thought. The crusaders that merged with our group discovered some horrifying news many months ago. San’layn inhabit territory in the Fjord, and they must be taken care of. Not only that, but recently several of our scouts have been slain in the Tundra. It seems these disgusting armies of undead are on multiple fronts. We went on a full assault a few weeks ago, and such a strike was successful. We lost many lives, but ended several of them as well. We were driven off of the territory, but will continue to strike at them, and the monsters in the Fjord.
Our association has decided to implement experimentation on the monsters as well. Results will be published within the Society Halls. Inquiry will be sent to the Captain. Thank you for your patience.