We met under peaceful terms. A previously dreaded enemy, one that paled in comparison to our glory, arrived at our doors under the promise of neither faction going for the other's throats. I finally was willing to accept talking things out with that traitorous Prince, Elias, and his equals, General Xul'uk and Tech Commander Zulu'jenai. Others of the Keep met with us as well, and the meeting started off as expected. We were warned about an enemy growing in Icecrown, one that was pointing weapons toward our Kingdom.
But no one could predict the tragedy that followed. No one could predict the blood of my people dripping through the cracks of our necropolis. Cut down in their own homes, purged out of their rooms, destroyed in something I provided for them as safehaven
None of the blood slaves survived.
These monsters cut down their own people. They cut down the living, those used to provide us with sustenance. I am not surprised. The scent of hypocrisy was very strong. The carnage didn't stop there. My people were purged, their eyes gouged out and their bodies disemboweled. My own ambassador had his fangs ripped out... healed... and ripped out again.
All around me did my subjects fall. How my people fought... and how I fought. But it wasn't enough. By the time I called for us to abandon our home... the one place we were assured safety... it was too late.
We are in the Keep of our old enemies, now. Such as irony would have it. They took up arms. They defended my people while they themselves were being ripped to shreds. Why did they not flee? Why do they offer their home to my people, despite the war that's occurred between us for two whole years?
My people were taken in and treated with as much care as they provided their own. Hell, that stubborn Commander Elias refused healing until his and my people were taken care of. I would have done the same had I not been knocked out cold.
Because of my incompetence, a princess has been captured. We must do all we can to get Princess Arkanyne back... the atrocities committed by that cursed organization will be too much to bear. I only hope that I will not be too late. Given the option to take her place, I would in a heartbeat.
Our Kingdom has been shattered. We are mere shadows of what we had been. We were ripped apart in one fell swoop. All is not lost by any means... but our reign of terror is over. Perhaps this is for the better, for if it wasn't the Society, it would have been the Keep...Or. Maybe I am incorrect about them.
Perhaps they truly do care about their people, and...mine. We are, after all, in a very similar situation. I could very well be false in my assumptions of the danger that they pose.
Just as well. We are at their mercy. Though many of them were sliced to bits like my people yesterday... quite a few more of them are right as blood rain. I can only hope that this is not our end.
The reign of Bloody Mary is concluded. I have been uncrowned and rely on traitors. I ask only this. Allow us salvation, Keep. Your people are survivors. I wish that upon the remainder of my people as well.
I am so, so sorry, my Kingdom, for failing you..
--Queen Vio'thel Deathstriker
The battle between the Society vs. Keep & Kingdom has come to a grisly conclusion. Naxxanar is stained with the blood of the San'layn, a cruel irony considering that their fate during the fall of the scourge as well. They tried, once more, to build themselves up, only to be purged from their homes Th remainder of the Kingdom members now reside within the Keep, and are at their mercy. Truthfully, they are safer than they ever have been. But, as the Queen states... many do not feel that way quite yet. Alas, time will heal these uncertainties.